“The Future Starts Here”

Designed June- September 2012 / Constructed September 2012

Art Installation by Stefanos Tsivopoulos

Architectural Design and Lighting Design by Insitu Architects: Kremmida Sofia, Foteini Kyriakidou, Mpreki Tina, Nikoloutsou Chrysi, Ntatsopoulou Theodora, Spiliadi Marilli, Filippidou Despoina

Located at Votrys Oil Factory, Eleusina,Greece
Photos: Insitu Architects

Stefanos Tsivopoulos, Greek artist with international recognition, had been invited to participate in Aisxylia 2012 cultural event. His project “The Future Starts Here” is a multifaceted large scale exhibition consisting of five independent works took place at the old abandoned Oil factory in the city of Eleusina, which is a heavily industrialized area. The artist incorporated performances, historical archives, and found footage on his project. Insitu Architects contributed to the installations by developing the architectural forms and the lighting design schemes. With total respect for the artist concept, the Insitu tried to emphasise the final result, which is the viewer’s a passage through different modules of time and space.